OSLER is an innovative cloud based clinical portfolio
Licensed by these progressive healthcare organisations:
Noosa Hospital (part of the Ramsay Healthcare hospital network)
Mackay Hospital and Health Service,
Bond University Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine,
The Queensland Rural Generalist Pathway,
Wellington Hospital
Canberra Hospital
Osler Community
Doctors, nurses, and medical students aggregate multiple metrics of their performance, such as clinical activity, training, self-assessment and peer / patient feedback into a clinical ePortfolio available through the web, mobile and tablets.
Osler is a whole of institution solution applicable to medical, nursing, and allied health cohorts across several specialties, including ICU, ED, Anaesthetics, Remote & Rural andSurgical.
Aggregating multiple personalised metrics of performance, Osler's Clinical Portfolio is a cloud based service to monitor your teams clinical competence.
Osler Placements enables university clinical programs to automate and digitise assessments, placements, attendance and compliance.
Transitioning to an electronic solutions has delivered efficiency gains of 94% for universities.
If you want a digital programmatic assessment platform based an EPA rubric, Osler Placements can help.
Ambulance Services
Provider Networks
Osler’s clinical LMS can be deployed within a hospital or across a network of hospitals.
Built to scale, Osler provides aggregate data at individual, ward, unit, hospital, region and national levels to manage the most complex and diverse organisational models.